Evaporative Cooling Vs Hydronic Air Conditioning

Evaporative Cooling Compared To Air Conditioning – What’s the Difference?

In the summer months, staying cool becomes top priority for many. There are two main options for controlling the temperature in your home – evaporative cooling and air conditioning. Both of these cooling methods are very different in terms of operation and cost, and it can be hard to determine which one is more suitable for your home. To make this decision a little easier, this article will compare evaporative cooling vs air conditioning.

How Does Evaporative Cooling Work?

Evaporative cooling works by drawing in hot, dry air from outside and passing it through water-saturated pads. The absorbent pads allow the water to evaporate, providing cooling relief to the hot, dry air before it is distributed through the home. The process of evaporation is what actually removes the heat from the air, cooling it down to a more comfortable temperature. The process of evaporative cooling requires very little energy to operate and is a great option for homeowners in areas with low humidity levels. It also works most effectively when the outside temperature is higher than the temperature inside the house, as this allows the evaporative cooling system to cool the air more effectively.

How Does a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner Work?

Reverse cycle air conditioning works by heating or cooling air by compressing and then releasing refrigerant gas. The refrigerant absorbs heat from inside the house, cools it, and then blows the cooled air into the house. It then compresses the refrigerant, which absorbs the heat from the outside air, releases that heat outdoors, and then starts the process again.

These reverse cycle air conditioning system is more efficient because it uses the same cycle whether it is cooling or heating the air, making it more convenient than evaporative cooling. It is also not as sensitive to changes in outside temperature and humidity levels and is less prone to breakdowns and malfunctions.

Upfront Price

In terms of upfront costs, evaporative coolers are usually significantly cheaper than air conditioners. Evaporative coolers can be bought for as little as $200, while the cost of a reverse cycle air conditioner can start from $1,000. Running Costs Although evaporative coolers are cheaper to purchase, they are more expensive to run. Evaporative coolers require a steady supply of water in order to operate, and this can add up to a lot of extra costs. On the other hand, air conditioners use much less energy, which translates to lower running costs.

Healthy Choice

Evaporative coolers are often considered healthier than air conditioners, as they do not have the same effects on air quality. Air conditioners blow recycled air around the home, and while modern systems have filters that reduce the amount of dust, pollen and other allergens in the air, evaporative coolers do not.


Evaporative coolers are also much better for the environment than air conditioners. Air conditioners pump a lot of energy into the environment, while evaporative coolers use a natural cooling process that requires no electricity. Performance When it comes to performance, air conditioners take the top spot. Air conditioners are able to cool the air inside a home much faster and more effectively than evaporative coolers. They are also able to maintain a stable temperature, so there isn’t much fluctuation in the temperature in the home.

Temperature Control

When it comes to temperature control, evaporative coolers have an edge over air conditioners. Evaporative coolers can maintain a steady temperature, and they can also be adjusted to provide a range of temperatures. Air conditioners, on the other hand, only have a few preset temperatures that they can offer.

Conclusion: Both evaporative cooling and air conditioning have their respective advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to take all of these factors into account when deciding which one is right for your home. When it comes to upfront price and eco-friendliness, evaporative coolers have the edge, while air conditioners offer better performance and temperature control. Ultimately, it comes down to the individual preferences of the homeowner. On the other hand, hydronic heating systems use heated water that is transferred through a series of pipes in various surfaces, including walls, floors, and towel rails. This method warms surfaces, and the radiant heat also warms up entire rooms. It is an efficient and comfortable way to heat homes and buildings.